There’s miles and miles of wilderness surrounding the backdrop of the beautiful Paintsville Lake in eastern Kentucky – can’t wait for you to see where we grew up!
Here’s what’s in store:
For the second running of the Ramble, we’re giving you two options for these navigation-based races
4 HOUR – foot only
12 HOUR – foot AND paddle!
Lots and lots of well-placed checkpoints (set on top of the coolest features) | A thoughtfully designed course with sensical maps and race instructions | A wide-open, choose your own adventure format | Legit homecookin’ |
“You know I hate to ask so late But the moment’s finally come And there won’t be time to change your mind Can you run?” – The SteelDrivers
LOCATION: Paintsville Lake State Park, Map
DATE: Saturday, March 8, 2025
SCHEDULE: For both races, check-in begins at 7am (maps handed out). Race starts at 8am.
DISCIPLINES: Navigation, Trek, Paddle (12HR only)
Choose the distance you’d like to race during registration. Open to Solos and Teams. Boat rentals available for the 12HR option
4 Hour – $50 | 12 Hour – $120
This a great way to get into the sport! It’ll be a looping stroll from the Start/Finish so you’ll be able to tackle as much, or as little, of the route as you’d like. Navigation will be a bit easier as well.
Minimum Distance = 1 mile
If you joined us for the inaugural Ramble, consider tackling the 12HR – I’m confident you’ve got it!
Plan on sticking around post-race to hangout and share stories of your adventure over a well deserved lunch!
A full day of paddling and tramping around the Lake! Expect a free-for-all course – it’ll be designed where you can do your own thing. Strategy and what points you tackle or drop will be key. They’ll be some well-earned camaraderie and food at the Finish.
Minimum Distance ~ less than 5 (you can go hard all day, or not)
A Few More General Details and Resources
LODGING: Accommodations in Paintsville. Options from camping (including right at the Start) to hotels.
THINGS TO DO: Besides hike your shoes off, Explore Paintsville for the rich music heritage, including the Country Music Highway. There’s also the Mountain Homeplace which you’ll hopefully get to see during the race, and lots of places to eat.
NEW TO THE SPORT? If this is your first adventure race type of event, here’s what to expect in 5 steps:
- We’ll send out a Racer Communication the week before the start with the things we’d like you to know.
- You’ll show up raceday and receive a map, race instructions, and a passport. The map will have a bunch of checkpoints plotted on it – these checkpoints correspond to orange&white flags we’ve hung in the woods.
- You’ll go out in aforementioned woods and find as many of these checkpoints you can in the allotted time. This is verified by “punching” the passport with a unique punch hanging from the checkpoint flags.
- This is accomplished by navigating – using the map and a compass (aka orienteering). Use of GPS, smartphones, etc is prohibited. By the way, a few people run, most speed hike, a few saunter. Typically, only a handful of teams are able to visit all of the checkpoints (aka clearing the course).
- You’re probably getting the impression that this information is pretty vague. Correct. By Design. Part of the adventure is baked-in with the unknown. You’ll do fine, train up & show up Saturday morning. Have a fun time finding checkpoints in the woods. Simple.
A Short Origin Story
This race is called the Homeplace Ramble, because it’s where we grew up! Although it has always been our backyard, we never knew just how much wilderness there was to explore. Not until the folks from the Johnson County Trail Town started hosting group hikes to showcase the area – and we got started talkin’. Miles and miles of Wildlife Management Area encompass the lake, making it a perfect place for a new race. We can’t wait to let you loose on this perfect-find of an adventure!