by Jess Evans
January 30, 2018
Am I the only one that does not like cold weather training? Some of you look just plain giddy with your winter workouts on Facebook. For me, winter training takes a little extra push. I look at the temperature. I check on the wind speed and direction. I check the hourly forecast. I hem and haw around the house. Slowly I come around to the conclusion that I can’t stall any longer; I must go out into the elements. Ugh…
If it is snowing, that is usually an easier decision to go out than if it is sunny and cold. The bright big blue sky is not welcoming to me when I know it means cold temperatures and a slight breeze that goes right through me. But snow… I love running when the snow is coming down. I love to hear the snow crunch and see the trees covered in the white fluffy stuff. The woods are so quiet. It is not an oppressive silence, but a magical silence. Perhaps that is the allure for me, my imagination can take me away while I run through the newly fallen snow, but when it is just cold, nothing takes that away.
It is surprising that I can keep some level of fitness during the winter months based on my grumpy disposition towards cold weather training. I do not belong to a gym, so the only thing that keeps me going is thinking how abysmal I will be compared to my teammates if I do not get out. The fear of being a complete disappointment gets me out every time – but hey, whatever motivates. Happy Training!