In the Heat of the Summer

by Jess Evans
July 22, 2019

July is almost over, and I have mixed emotions about that. July is the heart of the summer with warm long days and beautiful nights. I love being outside and enjoying the weather. This July has allowed me to do just that. However, I have been so busy with prepping for and setting up the NOMAD 48 Hour Adventure Race, that I have nearly missed July. The NOMAD race starts at 9AM Mountain Time on Friday, July 26. I have been so focused on it, I have not taken the time to smell the flowers – literally. We have had a very wet spring and summer in Colorado. The creeks are flowing strong and the flowers are blooming everywhere. While setting the NOMAD course, I wanted to sit in the fields of flowers on the mountainsides and breathe it all in. But alas, who has time for that? Enjoying the flowers, mountain goats, red tailed hawks, marmots, and various other animals will have to wait until Aug… no October.

Athena Adventures will post as much as possible on Facebook the sights of the NOMAD race starting Friday morning. Stayed tuned to Facebook as the race progresses and after the race for more information and pictures. Also, we hope to have a tracking map of the teams on the Rocky Mountain Adventure Series website… if we can pull that off. Go there to watch your favorite teams duke it out across the 115 mile course.

And I would be remiss if I neglected to mention 361° Adventures’ race on August 3. For those in the Midwest, sign up for the Dead Fred 9 Hour AR, the second race in the Unbridled Series. Registration closes July 31. The end of July is approaching quickly Get registered!

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